"The ART of medicine consists of cleansing the patient while nature cures the disease."
- Voltaire

Honoring your Body’s Wisdom and permission for WELLness
Paige is an initiate of the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition of Shamanic Arts and is also a practicing Pranic Healer. Her unique training and experience help clients identify not only the root cause of illness but recognize the emotional, mental and spiritual connection when the "body keeps the score." As we do the work necessary to heal ourselves, we also heal past and future generations, and together we heal our planet.
Teachings to Honor your HEALing
Applied guidance to keeping your energetic body clean
Shamanic practices that support practical tools to maintain optimum wellness and wellbeing
Energy healing
No hands approach to energy clearing and cleansing
Body healing higher level counseling
Homework for the soul that feeds the body
Holistic Practices
Energy Based Healing Modalities Such as:
Intuitive Assessment though Muscle testing (a variety of techniques that western medicine only recognizes as a form of kinesiology)
Intentional Energy clearing Exercises
Chakra balancing
Self-Work Journaling exercises
Emotion Code technique
Soul work through self-exploration
Ceremonial at-home practices